Graham King  player profile

Division 2

Plays for...

The Pride

The White Lion

Contact Details

No contact details available.

Home Venue

Table 3: Third table

01664 500 041

29a Market Place
Melton Mowbray
LE13 1XD

Home venue is used for singles and doubles tournaments instead of the player's team venue. Just let us know if you'd like to set a home venue different from your team's venue. Player home venues are tied to the player, so will remain across seasons until we are instructed otherwise.

League Singles Results

Won Opponent Opposing Team Date
Lorraine Howitt Swanderers 28/01/25
Angie Morton Treble One 26/11/24
Kyall Nugent Early Doors 05/11/24
Brendon Cupkovic Groom Growlers 29/10/24

League Doubles Results